17 Apr 2016
Perfect quality. I have a good feeling to transport my product therein. I like the colours. It fits perfect my DJI product.
16 Apr 2016
Es una caja espectacular, mi caja original se quebró pero esta Está a toda prueba, gran inversión muy versátil.
15 Apr 2016
Great case. bought for my new Bigblue video lamp. Its taking its first flight in one weeks time to the Caribbean
14 Apr 2016
Mala absolutamente incrível, uma resistência muito boa, dá prazer trabalhar com material desta qualidade. O seu aspeto é magnifico.
13 Apr 2016
Great case! Solid protection for all our gear! In HPRC we trust.
10 Apr 2016
Molto bella e soprattutto utile
08 Apr 2016
Semplicemente perfetta, posso contere la mia macchina fotografica, l'obiettivo, una batteria di scorta e il comando a distanza, il tutto in modo ordinato ma sopratutto sicuro per ogni evenienza. Inoltre grazie alle dimensioni ridotte della valigia riesco tranquillamente ad inserirla nello zainetto assieme ad una felpa ed ho ancora spazio! Minimal is Maximal
bought the case to protect an expensive 4G modem and router for emergency connections. Works like a charme!!
Excellent, top quality cases. The only brand I will use.
06 Apr 2016
I wish my spare batteries came in as quick as the OSMO and the HPRC case.
The best cases for the best cameras: HPRC 2460 with Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera kit.
Really excited to use this case for my DJI Osmo. Sleek, sturdy, and well made.
05 Apr 2016
An amazing case for my Inspire! Looking for a long time for a well designed and solid case to replace the original poor one. The HRPC INS2730W-02 it's just perfect. Thank you for this product.
04 Apr 2016
One HPRC 2500 case keeps our software organized and out of sight in our stack of HPRC storage cases.
03 Apr 2016
Excelente construcción, mantiene mi equipo en óptimas condiciones y me permite transportarlo sin preocuparme de nada. No conocía la marca y ahora la recomiendo. Excellent construction, keeps my equipment in top condition and allows me to carry it without worrying about anything. I did not know the brand, but now I totally recommend it.
01 Apr 2016
Excellent cases. Have been using them for years and wouldn't want anything less. Thought about going with a cheaper brand but in the end I to decided to stay with HPRC for protection of my equipment.
Bought the the HPRC 2700 for my DJI Phantom, and what a product. This really quality. Thumbs up...5 Stars
30 Mar 2016
Best case for my DJI Phantom! I love every single HPRC case I have. They never let me down!
29 Mar 2016
We just bought three of the 2700 case for AURORA. Its perfect for fragile instruments and electronic equipment, snare drums and pedals. The lightness of the case makes it easy to bring it as checked luggage on flights.
25 Mar 2016
Great case! Compact. Lightweight and it fits everything for my Osmo!
24 Mar 2016
I bought this lovely little case at the Photography Show in Birmingham. Perfect for my GoPro and accessories. Very helpful staff on the stand at the show.
23 Mar 2016
Loving new HPRC cases.... what a phenomenal investment from The Photography Show 2016! Can't wait to top off the collection next year already!
The case is up to the highest standards I can think about. It is amazing. I'm 100% satisfied with my product!
Filming a new series for UK television in North Norway with the Sami People. 500 km inside the Arctic Circle. Using the HPRC case for our expensive Sachtler Video 20p tripod. The case is so well built. Everyone who saw it, carried it and used it commented on what a great case it is. I'll be recommending these cases to all my colleagues. Love the fact that it has wheels too.
21 Mar 2016
FINALMENTE le ho prese una 2550 e una 2760 fantastiche comode e indistruttibili ora posso mettere dentro i miei due corredi sia quello leggero che quello pesante
perfect for osmo
We are fully satisfied by our HPRC cases fleet. We use 12x HBPC2077W rolling cases for mobile video encoding kits, 2x HPRC 2800W large cases for displays and lights transportation, 1x HPRC 3500 for carrying a DSLR and its accessories, 1x HPRC2600 for carrying audio mixer. All of these cases come with cube foam inserts (HPRC2700W), bags and dividers (HPRC3500 & HPRC2600) and most of them are also equipped with Lid organizers. So far, all of these cases fit perfectly our needs.