03 janv. 2023
Bestmögliches Behältnis für Aufbewahrung und Transport der Akkus und Fernbedienung unserer Drohne.
02 janv. 2023
to carry Cartoni Tripod
31 déc. 2022
I love this case. I was looking for a high quality case to fit all of my extra Matrice 30T batteries and controller. I highly recommend this one. Everything fits in there perfectly and doesn’t move around
30 déc. 2022
I use the HPRC cases for all of my drone related equipment. Really tough. Really well thought out. I would recommend these products wholeheartedly.
29 déc. 2022
Stabil, genug Platz für das Zubehör, und einfach zu individualisieren. Das Smallrig Cage passte nicht ganz mit rein, also habe ich den Platz einfach etwas "angepasst" sitzt perfekt und ging einfach von statten.
28 déc. 2022
Can‘t get enough
23 déc. 2022
La nostra preziosa attrezzatura per rilievi sottomarini offshore è finalmente protetta a dovere !
22 déc. 2022
Ottimo prodotto, comodo, come sempre una garanzia ! Grazie.
Sehr stabil gebaut, leicht, viel Platz im Innenraum.
19 déc. 2022
Very nice case for holding our hoist test kit. Safe for taking this by foot, car, train or plane without any change to damage the kit.
17 déc. 2022
Superb fit and security for my Ninja V and accessories. Wonderful work, HPRC!
16 déc. 2022
Love the quality and the weight of the hardcase, I was able to fit all my wedding photography gear. Cheers
15 déc. 2022
Fantatsic Case. Really well made and perfect for the DJI Ronin 4D with all it's accessories! I'd highly recomend this case set up to any Ronin 4D owner!
14 déc. 2022
Alla grande!!
13 déc. 2022
Perfect for my video converters :D It fits well.
Great bit of kit, shame there is no slot of the additional Li-Dar.
12 déc. 2022
Ottimo prodotto!
10 déc. 2022
la mia attrezzatura fotografica al sicuro. protetta e all'asciutto.
09 déc. 2022
I work in a C.S.I. Police unit. This case is perfect for our forensic flashlight, its heads and all other accessories.
Possiedo 6 prodotti HPRC, differenziati per misura e dimensioni: come potete vedere dalle foto mi accompagnano in tutti i miei viaggi: le valigie mi sono cadute in terra, sono state trattate malissimo da facchini, operatori aeroportuali, portatori e sono state esposte a maltempo, cadute, urti e disavventure varie. Hanno sempre resistito....dopo anni e quasi cento paesi da me visitati continuano a fare il loro dovere proteggendo i miei effetti personali- e soprattutto il computer e la mia importantissima attrezzatura fotografica. HPRC non conosce il cncetto di "Obsolescenza programmata"... Affidabilità, qualità, sicurezza e anche parecchio stile. Grazie ragazzi!
08 déc. 2022
High quality case and the best soft dividers I've yet seen in a case! They feel much better and are secured so well in comparison to all other manufacturers. Really like the combination of the HPRC cases with the Second Skin now!
06 déc. 2022
Penso che il tuo lavoro sia molto bello! Ordinerò di nuovo da te!
05 déc. 2022
Best cases out there!
03 déc. 2022
6 city tour all checked bags and stands - not unlatching during transport and all gear arrived safe. Solid.
02 déc. 2022
è perfetta...comoda, misure giuste, leggera ma robusta quanto basta...ed è anche bella...
01 déc. 2022
I've wanted a case with a PRECISE tailored foam inside for my camera and my accessories for YEARS. The only thing I want to say is thank you. Thank you so much.
Best Cases, i like the weight and the multiple ways to storage my Camera Equipment.
30 nov. 2022
Amazing storage as always, keet feels well protected, shame there isn't a space for the Li-Dar attachment in there too.
Rudolf Alfred
Excellent item
22 nov. 2022
Resistente all’acqua ed agli urti